“Sustainable Nutrition”
Video Courtesy of NeXesDigital
We have 2 halves available winter 2020.
Kansas City Grass Fed Beef ©
Hormone, Antibiotic, and Steroid free!
All of our beef is raised on our farm and other local farms within a short driving distance from Kansas City. All are subject to quality standards: they all graze freely throughout their lives, eating the all-grass diet nature intended, to become robust and healthy. Kansas City Grass Fed Beef contains no hormones, no antibiotics, and no systemic insecticides.
Call 816-560-1858 Today to Reserve a side for Fall 2018
Contact us now to buy pure natural grass feed beef.

“The beef we got from you is probably the best I’ve ever eaten. I’m wanting to get some steaks for a special occasion or just buy a half beef….
Kara T. – Kansas City, MO
“…what we did notice immediately was the meat seemed to have more tender and flavor characteristics. I know that am I no grading expert, but even though marbling is the predominant grading factor, and grass-feed beef is leaner than grain-finished, the steaks would easily have graded choice with respect to tenderness and flavor. “
J. Templeton – Leavenworth Kansas
What Mr. Templeton is referring to is the “clean” taste and “fine” texture of our beef. We harvest when the the cattle have been feeding on the tallest and most nutritious grasses. This imparts a deeper, beefy, and earthier flavor. It tastes clean, nutritious and is flavor enhanced by dry-aging. Supermarket beef is among other things, wet-aged.
Click here for more testimonials
Questions About Kansas City Grass Fed Beef©?
Click here for frequently asked questions and answers about pricing, freezer space, processing, and safety.
A special thanks to the team at Decker Service Professionals, who assisted us with some interior painting our rental. Those guys are true professionals and do both interior and exterior painting in the Kansas City, MO area.
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