Buy Grass Fed Beef
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When you buy grass-fed beef at Full Sircle Farms, you can expect the best. We sell 1/2 (a side) of beef and a full beef (both sides) and have assembled a list of frequently asked questions. Feel free to email info@fullsirclefarms, or call us at (eight one six) 560-1858 anytime.
Grass Fed Beef Q&A
How much does the meat cost?
When you buy Grass Fed Beef beef at Full Sircle Farms the prices are $4.50/lb. HANGING WEIGHT (subject to market changes) for a side (1/2) of beef or full beef, plus processing, butcher, and disposal (PBD) fees.
Hanging weight refers to the weight of the beef as it hangs in the butcher’s cooler once the non-edible parts are removed. On average, your final cost will be circa $6.75-$7.75/pound for the take-home packaged cuts after cutting, de-boning, trimming and aging, We’ve seen 80/20 hamburger in the grocery store costing $7.89 per pound! You get steaks, roasts and ground beef all for one price.
- One full beef $4.50 /lb +$0.75 / lb processing, plus $300 butcher fee, $25 waste disposal fee.
- Typical hanging weight for a full beef is 350-450 lbs.
- One-half beef $4.50 /lb +$0.75 / lb processing, plus $150 butcher fee, $25 waste disposal fee.
- Typical hanging weight for 1/2 a beef is 175-250lbs.
- All prices subject to market changes
Due to the nature of beef cuts, is best to order a least a half because you will get mostly roasts on the front quarter. We recommend that you split the other half with a friend or family member mixing the steaks and roasts evenly.
How much freezer space do I need?
For a 1/2 of a cow you would need approximately 8-12 cubic feet of freezer space. If you need extra freezer space, Costco, Sam’s and Sears all sell small stand-alone freezers starting around $300.
How much actual beef do I get from the cow?
The average beef will weigh about 800-900lbs live weight. This will produce about approximately 400-540 lbs of usable processed meat. (hanging weight) The exact amount will depend on the cuts that you choose when you have it processed and the weight of the calf at the time of delivery. After processing, we let the beef dry age for 14 days in order to tenderize and add flavor. You will lose around 35-40% of your weight after this due to removed bones and fat, and the dehydration from the aging process.
What Cuts will I get?
What can you expect on a half of beef? Of course, this is just guideline and size factors will influence the final product.*
In general terms, the beef carcass as typically cut ends up being 20% bone and trims loss, 20% steaks, 25% roasts, and 45% ground beef.
Typical cuts include:
- Sirloin, Ribeye, and T-Bone Steaks (or strip steaks and tenderloin)
- Top Round Steaks, and/or London Broil
- Chuck Roasts
- Arm Roasts
- Neck Soup Bones
- Shank Soup Bones / Brisket
- 3 – 5 lbs. of Stew Beef / Short Ribs
- Rolled Rump Roasts
- Heel of round
- Ground Beef in 1. 11/2 or 2 lb. pkgs.
How do I cook Grass Fed Beef?
Click here for an article on Cooking Grass Fed Beef. Bottom line – Sear to seal and don’t overcook!
How do I get started?
A deposit of $150 for a “quarter”, $250 for a “half”. The remainder is due when you pick up you beef at the farm. We accept cash or local checks.
What about food Safety?
All of our beef is processed by a small family-owned local meat processor. They are a USDA certified meat processing plant with state of the art facilities.

When do I get the beef?
We first deliver the calf to the processor. We let the beef hang for 2 weeks to dry age and after that we pick up your meat from the butcher bring it to the farm and keep it frozen for you until you can pick it up at your convenience. We box your meat so you can pick it up and go! So don’t worry about coolers, you may want to bring a blanket or sleeping bag to cover it with, but that’s all you’ll need.
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