The GMO bans are in the Rogue Valley in Southwest Oregon. Medford is the largest city in the area. The two counties where the bans were put in place include Jackson and Josephine.
Oregon Counties Ban GMO Crops
Both the bans would require GMO crops be removed within the next 12 months, giving farmers time to harvest for 2014. Perennial crops, like alfalfa, must be removed by the 12-month limit.
GMO Vote
The Jackson County vote was posted to the ballot before an Oregon statewide measure was passed prohibiting such moves; the Josephine ban was on the ballot after the measure and several wire service reports note the Josephine ban may be challenged on those grounds.
The Jackson ban had solid financial support on both sides of the question with more than $900,000 raised by biotech proponents opposing the ban and about $455,000 raised by those in favor of the ban. In the end, 66% of those voting supported the ban in Jackson County. In Josephine County the margin was 58% in favor of the ban.
Companies are already announcing their compliance with the ban. Syngenta, which has leased land in the county to grow glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet seed, told The Oregonion in an interview that it will comply with the law.
California had one of the first county-based bans on GMO crops back in 2004 when Mendocino County passed the measure. These two latest bans are part of a concerted effort by grass roots groups aiming to curtail use of GMO crops despite the science in favor of the technology.
Local actions on GMO labeling and now these latest county-based bans, may move the needle enough to get federal action on these issues. Maybe?